

黃韻玲的「平凡」專輯在上成功嶺的時候還是朋友帶來台中當作補給,當時是規定「不准攜帶收音機或隨身聽」,不過我記 得後半段的成功嶺生活我是帶著耳機睡覺的。說到成 功嶺,卻想起有個晚上,換完安全哨下哨之後,被班長叫去自動販賣機買飲料。回到大寢室的班長室裡,收音機傳來的音樂竟然是「藍絲絨」的主題曲:

She wore blue velvet
Bluer than velvet was the night
Softer than satin was the light
From the stars...


張 小雯卻是在研二的時候,學工業設計多愁善感的研一學弟介紹才知道的歌手。當時還有點不小的驚嚇,想想不知道我如果早幾年碰到舊瓶裝新酒裡的歌, 對生命的感覺會不會有所不同。不過就在通化街夜市裡終於找到打洞的過期錄音帶時,陳綺貞也已經出現在這個地平線上,把這些青春踟躕的心情一網打盡...

Bobby Vinton
(Bernie Wayne/Lee Morris)

She wore blue velvet
Bluer than velvet was the night
Softer than satin was the light
From the stars
She wore blue velvet
Bluer than velvet were her eyes
Warmer than May her tender sighs
Love was ours
Ours a love I held tightly
Feeling the rapture grow
Like a flame burning brightly
But when she left, gone was the glow of
Blue velvet
But in my heart there'll always be
Precious and warm, a memory
Through the years
And I still can see blue velvet
Through my tears

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