
A rememberable day

Today is a remarkable day, for two reasons.
For one, happened in "Jeopardy". The long time champion Ken Jennings was defeated today!! (It later appears to me that this event happened in early September) What a surprise! He has became a celebrity after sucessively being the winner for more than 6 months. He always leads some significant amount of money earned higher than his comepetitor, and has accumulated for about 2.5 billion dollars as total amount of award... He has a close lead to the other competitor today, and made a fatal error in final jeopardy, in which the other competitor (I am sorry I didn't remeber her name, just know that she adapted a child from China. Her name is Nancy Zerg) correctly answered and put the amount that just over Ken Jennings' previous earning from First and Double jeopardy. What a dramatic turnover! The competitor herself couldn't believe it in the first place, either. I am like, dropping my jaw in front of the TV, and feel great right after be realizing that there is nothing impossible in the world... : )

The other thing worthy of remarking was related to the first one. Right after I learned such surprising news, I called her in order to express some excitement I encoutered. Although we are seperated, it seems to me there is some special connection between us while in the occasion that I feel linked, and to say something only and immediately to her... I called, and told her this "surprising" news while she said she knows nothing about it. After I turned immediately to some greetings for her current condition, she said that there is some phone call from others at the same time... I detected the distance, said good night and hung up the phone.

The special connection between these two persons has faded away... Why did I feel that sad right after I hung up the phone? I was numbed by her taking for granted response.

We have became two common people, two lay people dissolved in the crowds. The magic charm has disappeared...

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