
Solemnity in the phallocracy

Solemnity in the phallocracy
Originally uploaded by iceplee.
This is the interior of Cathedral of Learning, the landmark of this area. At first, I feel this place should be a solemn symbol with time-honored academic spirit in it. How many places could you have to honor the idea of study by a cathedral? However, this place is mostly just taken as a symbol of tourists. Students are taking mobile phone calls while they sit in this building; shouting or chatting loudly in it makes the name of this place a joke... Furthermore, the fact that the nationality classrooms are harbored by this cathedral seems to hint the idea of overdominance by Christianity; a parochial mentality to display in the public.

Just like the other day, I found a flyer about an open house event of a mosque in this area. It reads "students of Islam or not are all welcome." However, someone added a note beside the word "Islam" as "murderer".... How pathetic is the view...

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