
The last day of New Year's month

This is the last day of January, should be a day for some remark. However, today is like some ordinary day, no good news, no bad news. Well, that is not true to say so. I had some bad news recently, which leads me to think about my research project in more detailed way. What does that mean to do aboriginal study in this transnational era? What else could you argue except saying the performance is the means for them to claim the identity and counter political discourse? There should be some more interesting thing to say about it...

I sent her the last backage probably I will send with intentional consideration. I bought her a remote pointer for powerpoint presentation that she mentioned about long time ago, wanting for some presentation occasion in her academic seminar. I wish the thing I bought from hometown can fit into her need. I also duplicate the DVDs of "白色巨塔" for her entertainment. In case she need some serious recreational drama, that would be a good choice.

A friend here mentioned that she is longing for an intellectual community but failed to find or create one in the three years she is here. I feel pretty bad about that although I cannot have the solution for her and feel the same regret too. It is strange that archaeologists hang out and get together mcuh more than our cohort. I hope the new season of "Survivors" could bring some vital feeling in our cohort, as least from my expectation.

And now....


Anonymous said...

Morissey might not be the best reference here but he has a song called "America is not the World." (It is a nice song:)If I need to make an anology I should tell you that "American Academy is not the World":) Aborgines are still important and transnationalism might not be the reality somewhere else and for someone else...


icep said...

Thanks for the message. I understand what you meant. Most of the time I am going extreme if things didn't turn out to be supportive. That's something I need to remind myself from time to time, that the world is not perfect and I need to get used to that.
As to "American academy is not the world," I totally agree with it. It just sometimes feel hard to balance that you want to do something significant here but also want to claim the uniqueness of what you have done. I guess I need to listen to the song.... :)

icep said...

Sorry for the "mysterious" wondering. I do want to save myself from myself. Thanks!